Judah, Week Forty-Six Judah Judah attended his first Christmas party at his friend Dominic’s house. Cookies and toys galore! Who knew Judah was a Tonka man? Judah, the Trucker
Judah, Week Forty-Five Judah All Judah needs is a high powered rifle, and he can channel Sarah Palin. Moose? Check? Fatigues? Check? Desire to shoot unarmed animals? Well, no. Judah’s a lover, not a fighter. Judah, the Hunter
Judah, Week Forty-Four Judah Judah’s got teeth! Well just two. We’re still waiting for the top two to break through (and it couldn’t be too soon). Now that he’s got teeth, he needed the perfect accessory. Judah, the Teether
Judah at Ten Months Judah Judah’s ten months old this week. He’s a real mover now. Baby-proofing is on our mind. Judah, the Lumberjack