Judah, Week Nine

Judah’s already two months old!  He went to see Dr. Fleiss this morning, and he’s now weighing in a 9 pounds.  The nurse practitioner said not to be surprised if he start’s rolling over soon.  He’s still not a fan of the car, but he’s asleep after his appointment – whew!

Nine weeks, Nine pounds
Nine pounds at two months.

Judah has a new friend.  Gisela now comes by twice a week to help out Judah and mommy!

Judah, Week Seven

View at your own risk.  Adam just bought a new HD camcorder and we’ve, sadly, joined the world of terrible home movies of our baby.  Anyway, if you’re still reading, this week Judah smiles a lot, especially when Adam gets home.  But he appears skeptical of new technology.

Don’t say we didn’t warn you.

Judah at One Month

Judah is one month old.  Can’t believe he’s been around so long already.  It seems like there wasn’t a time he wasn’t here with us.  He’s fitting into the routine quite well.  He will now smile at you if you smile at him.  Unfortunately, capturing a smile with the camera proved to be too daunting.  Here’s the picture we got instead: